联系方式:手机:15533554670, 电子信箱:wxu22@hotmail.com
工学博士 2002.03-2006.03 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 材料科学与工程
工学硕士 1999.03-2001.02 新西兰奥克兰大学 化工及材料
工学硕士 1988.09-1991.03 中国西安理工大学 金属材料
工学学士 1981.09-1985.06 中国河北科技大学 铸造工艺及设备
2023.09-今 中国华北理工大学 凤凰学者特聘教授
2023.10-2026.10 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 访问学者
2006.03-2023.10 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 研究员和高级研究员
1995.10-1998.12 新西兰奥克兰管线公司 铸造工程师
1991.05-1995.08 中国广州重型机器厂铸锻部 铸造工程师
1985.08-1988.08 中国保定机床厂 铸造助理工程师
1. 新型金属材料的设计与开发;
2. 金属材料在力学冶金过程中的组织和织构演化与控制;
3. 金属近终形铸造;
4. 液态-固态和固态-固态相变;
5. 各类晶体材料组织的二维和三维先进表征技术
6. 利用科学方法解决金属材料在技术开发和生产过程中遇到的各类问题。
1. Xu W. (徐万强), Birbilis N., Sha G., Wang Y., Daniels J.E., Xiao Y., Ferry M., A high-specific-strength and corrosion-resistant magnesium alloy, Nature Materials,14, 2015,p1229–1235.
2. Tang, S. Xin, T. Xu W. (徐万强), Miskovic, D. Sha, G. Quadir, Z. Ringer, S. Nomoto, K. Birbilis N.& Ferry* M. Precipitation strengthening in an ultralight magnesium alloy,Nature Communications,10, 2019,p1-8.
3. T. Xin, …W Xu(徐万强), et al Ultrahigh specific strength in a magnesium alloy strengthened by spinodal decomposition, Science Advances, 7,2021, p1-9.
4. Xu W. (徐万强), Zheng R., Laws K. J., Ringer S. P., Ferry M, In situ formation of crystalline flakes in Mg-based metallic glass composites by controlled inoculation, Acta Materialia, 59, 2011, p7776-7786.
5. Duan J.Q., Quadir M.Z., Xu W. (徐万强), Kong C., Ferry M., Texture balancing in a fcc/bcc multilayered composite produced by accumulative roll bonding, Acta Materialia,123, 2017, p11-23.
6. Xu W. (徐万强), Ferry M., Cairney J. M., Humphreys F. J, Three-dimensional investigation of particle-stimulated nucleation in a nickel alloy, Acta Materialia, 55, 2007, p5157-5167.
7. Xu W. (徐万强), Ferry M., Mateescu N., Cairney J.M., Humphreys F.J., Techniques for generating 3-D EBSD microstructures by FIB tomography, Materials Characterization,58, 2007, P961-967.
8. Wei X.X., Lin X., Xu W. (徐万强), Huang Q.S., Ferry M., Li J. F., Zhou Y. H Remelting-induced anomalous eutectic formation during solidification of deeply undercooled eutectic alloy melts, Acta Materialia, 95, 2015, P44-56.
9. Zhang T.S., Kong L.B., Song X.C., Du Z.H., Xu, W. (徐万强), Li, S., Densification behaviour and sintering mechanisms of Cu- or Co-doped SnO2: A comparative study,Acta Materialia, 62, 2014, p81-88.
10. Xu, W. (徐万强), Ferry, M., Mateescu, N., Cairney, J.M., & Humphreys, F.J., Techniques for generating 3-D EBSD microstructures by FIB tomography, Materials Characterization, 58,2007, p961-967.
11. Xu W. (徐万强), Zheng R., Laws K.J., Ferry M., Robin L. Phase redistribution in an in-situ Mg-based bulk metallic glass composite during deformation in the supercooled liquid region, Scripta Materialia, 63, 2010, p556-559.
12. Xu W. (徐万强), Ferry M., Humphreys F. J., Spatial morphology of interfacial voids and other features generated at coarse silica particles in nickel during cold rolling and annealing, Scripta Materialia, 60, 2009, p862-865.
1. Acta Materialia;
2. Scripta Materialia;
3. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A;
4. Materials Charaterization;
5. Surface and Coatings Technology;
6. Journal of Materials Science and Technology;
7. Journals of Alloys and Compounds;
8. Journal of Materials Processing Technology.